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Embury, 2013, Influence of Microstructural Length Scale on the Strength and Annealing Behaviour of Pearlite, Bainite, and Martensite, Metall. Purdy, 2013, Self-Consistent Model for Planar Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-X Alloys, Metall. Hutchinson, 2013, Quantifying the Solute Drag Effect on Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-X Alloys Using Controlled Decarburization Experiments, Metall. Zurob, 2013, Austenite particle coarsening and delta-ferrite grain growth in model Fe–Al alloy, Can.

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Zurob, 2013, Foreword: Atomistic effects in migrating interphase interfaces, Metall. Huang, 2013, Driving force and logic of development of advanced high strength steels for automotive applications, Steel Res. Bouaziz, 2014, Analytical Model of the Unbending Behaviour of Corrugated Reinforcements, Adv. Bouaziz, 2014, An original way for producing a 2.4 GPa strength ductile steel by rolling of martensite, ISIJ Int., 54, 235. Zurob, 2014, Mechanical Behaviour of Carbide-free Medium Carbon Bainite, Metall. M Militzer, JJ Hoyt, N Provatas, J Rottler, CW Sinclair, HS Zurob, 2014, Multiscale Modeling of Phase Transformations in Steels, JOM, 66, 740. MJ Rahman, HS Zurob, JJ Hoyt, 2014, A comprehensive molecular dynamics study of low angle grain boundary mobility in pure aluminium system, Acta Materialia, 74, 39. Purdy, 2015, New insights to the effects of ausforming on the bainitic transformation, Mater. Part II: Experimental Validation and Applications, Metall. O'Malley, HS Zurob, M Subramanian, 2015, Model Fe-Al Steel with Exceptional Resistance to High Temperature Coarsening. Part I: Coarsening Mechanism and Particle Pinning Effects, Metal. Zhou, HS Zurob, R O'Malley, K Rehman, 2015, Model Fe-Al Steel with Exceptional Resistance to High Temperature Coarsening. Van Landeghem, CR Hutchinson, G Purdy, HS Zurob, 2015, A Comparison of Ferrite Growth Kinetics under Denitriding and Decarburizing Conditions, Metall. Zurob, 2015, New Insights into the Limit for Non-Partitioning Ferrite Growth, Acta Materialia, 86, 286. Zurob, 2015, Overview of the current issues in austenite to ferrite transformation, Mater. Pereloma, Hot deformation behaviour of Ni-30Fe-C and Ni-30Fe-Nb-C model alloys, 2015, Mater. Zhang, 2015, Static softening following multistage hot deformation of 7150 aluminium alloy: Experiment and modeling, Mater. Hutchinson, 2015, The Coupled Solute Drag Effect during Ferrite Growth in Fe-C-Mn-Si Alloys Using Controlled Decarburization, Acta Materialia, 100, 333. Embury, 2016, Bending properties of Functionally Graded 300M Steels, Mater. Hoyt, 2016, Molecular Dynamics Study of Solute Pinning Effects on Grain Boundary Migration in the Al-Mg Alloy System, Metall. Zurob, 2016, Solute Segregation During Ferrite Growth: Solute/Interphase and Substitutional/ Interstitial Interactions, JOM, 68: 1329. Zhang, 2016, Characterizing precipitate evolution of an Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-based commercial alloy during artificial aging and non-isothermal heat treatments by in situ electrical resistivity monitoring, Materials Characterization, 117: 47. Mishra, 2016, Modelling of uniaxially pre-strained and annealed AZ31 magnesium sheet based on microstructural considerations, Acta Materialia, 113: 155 Purdy and H.S. Zurob, 2017, Investigation of solute/interphase interaction during ferrite growth, Acta Materialia, 124: 536. Wu, 2016, A Polycrystal Plasticity based Discontinuous Dynamic Recrystallization Simulation Method and its Application to Copper, International Journal of Plasticity, 91: 48. Zurob, 2017, Interface Segregation & Nitrogen Measurement in Fe-Mn-N by Atom Probe Tomography, Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23: 385. Zurob, 2017, Development of medium-to-high carbon hot-rolled steel strip on a thin slab casting direct strip production complex, Ironmaking and Steelmaking, March: 1.

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Zurob is also an active participant in professional societies including ASM, TMS and ASM Materials Camps Canada. Zurob is a dedicated educator who was recognized by several teaching awards at McMaster.

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Zurob is recipient of several prestigious awards including Sawamura Award and Guimaraise Award of ISIJ and the Best Young Researcher Award of Internationally Recrystallization and Grain Growth Conference. The applicant has made significant contributions to the areas of thermomechanical processing, recrystallization modelling, functionally-graded materials, austenite decomposition and structure property relationships. Zurob’s research is to understand and control microstructure development in engineering materials with the goal of optimizing mechanical properties. Zurob is presently serving as Chair of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering. He was promoted to Associate Professor in 2012 and Professor in 2017.

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He held post doctoral fellowships at the Grenoble institute and Technology and Oxford University prior to joining McMaster as an Assistant Professor in 2005. Zurob obtained his PhD from McMaster University in 2003.

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